Indian Summer Read online

  Chapter One

  It was October but it didn’t feel like it. An Indian summer had captured Worchester, Massachusetts. People were coming out of their skin that is they were taking their clothes off. Hartley Sutherland was one of them. She exposed her skin a little more with a tank top, shorts and shoes without socks. She was walking down on the side of the road; her town was alive and breathing.

  She was walking alone, something that was relatively new and exciting for her. Usually her brother or father would tag along but now that she was sixteen her parents felt she could take some walks and runs by herself. Hartley enjoyed this; she had always enjoyed independent and wonderful freedom. As she walked a noticed that by the general store was a new car parked. It was a dark blue and it didn’t look familiar. She stopped and looked at it just as its owner emerged from the store. The owner was a young man, late teens or so, tall, brown haired and most of all he was sexy.

  Hartley thought that he was almost as handsome as Patrick Schwarzenegger. She hadn’t yet dated and the idea of being with a guy, dating, kissing and all that was thrilling to her. She had never had a boyfriend, except for her imaginary ones and her crushes rarely had liked her back. Plus her older sister was insistent that she not date until she was twenty one which Hartley was not going to go for. She would date when she was ready and live her life whether or not her older sister approved.

  Hartley kept walking, as the blue car pulled out of the general store parking lot the guy stopped and then he drove off. Hartley made her way to her home and after she had changed she proceeded to listen to some music. She loved a variety of music and had been attracted to it ever since she was a little girl.

  Hartley was also on her kindle fire, looking at pictures on Pixabay. She decided to go outside, since there were no bugs and there was wind that was comfortable abiding outside. She went outside and was leaning her back on her front door when she saw the guy from earlier walking past her house. Suddenly he walked up, into her driveway and came to her.

  ‘’Hi, my name is Laughlin’’, he said.

  ’My name is Hartley’’, was Hartley’s response.

  ‘’When you leave the general store and you’re walking into the parking lot you can look at the houses across the street and I saw you across the street’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’I was independently taking a walk’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’You’re little town is serene and quiet’’, said Laughlin.

  ’Except in wintertime, when people snowmobile on the trails’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Snowmobiling sounds like something that adds interest to your daily life’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’In winter, on a Saturday, yes’’, said Hartley.

  ‘Are we the only teens here? Asked Laughlin.

  ‘’There are a few but not a lot’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Well then you and I should unite, spend time together to comfort each other as we live in isolation’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’There are people here and life’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Well, okay, I’m going to leave’’. It’s been cool talking with another teen, in particular you’’, said Laughlin.

  ’See you’’, said Hartley. Hartley now had something more interesting than usual in her life.

  Chapter 2

  Two days later Hartley was occupied with her lessons for her course on creative writing when her good friend, Meadow was seen walking across her lawn. She went downstairs and outside.

  ‘’Hi Meadow’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Hey Hartley, what were you up to?

  ‘’I was finishing lessons from my course’’.

  ‘’You want to come over to my house? Asked Meadow.

  ‘’I think I prefer staying here, I’m most comfortable at home sometimes’’.

  ‘’Okay, are you done with home school work for the summer though? Asked Meadow.

  ‘’Yes and no, I’m still having my dad give me papers s I can continue to catch up’’.

  ‘’Does your family have any summer plans?

  ‘’No, not really, busy schedules’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Anybody you’re crushing on Hartley? Wasn’t it that boy at that church you liked?

  ‘’Yes but not anymore’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’You have never dated anyone Hartley, that’s not bad’’.

  ‘’One there aren’t too many cute, teen boys here and I don’t know if my sister would go for me dating’’.

  ‘’Your sister, she still wants you to wait until you’re twenty one?

  ‘’Yes, said Hartley.

  ‘’Knowing you that won’t happen’’, said Meadow.

  ‘’That’s correct, I’m going to ride my bike down the road and maybe stop at the bridge’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Enjoy yourself, said Meadow as she left.

  Two minutes after she left Hartley was riding down the road on her bike. She made sure to stay on one side of the road. She was about to cross the road, to go to the bridge when Laughlin came up to her.

  ‘’Hi’’, he said.

  ’Hey Laughlin, what have you been up to?

  ‘’Taking some summer classes’’. You’re homeschooled right?

  ‘’Yes’’, said Hartley.

  Is it better? Asked Laughlin.

  ‘’In some ways, not all’’, was how Hartley responded.

  ‘’Looks like I interrupted your bike ride’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’I enjoy it, especially when I’m riding here and there, I’m going to ride up, past the fire station, do you want to tag along? Asked Hartley.

  ‘’I don’t have a bike’’, said Laughlin. ’’But I have a skateboard’’.

  ‘’Okay, see you when you come back from grabbing it, said Hartley. Suddenly a breeze rushed on Hartley and her hair blew. When she turned her head around Laughlin was coming down the road towards her on his skateboard.

  He glided past Hartley and the asked’’ Are we going to go? Are we racing?

  ‘’Let’s go’’, said Hartley.

  The pair made their way, past the fire station, up the hill, and then they turned left. As they went down that road they passed a house on the right, a side road on the left and a small area where if you looked you could see firs and pines and a marsh.

  They kept going until they came to Asher Road, then they stopped.

  ‘’This is a good time of day to be outside’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Do you like summertime? Asked Laughlin.

  ‘’Yes and no’, said Hartley. ‘’Sometimes I like the weather, the clothes I get to wear, and the food I get to eat but sometimes I hate the insects’’.

  ‘’Creepy, crawling insects’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Those and sometimes things in the air’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’So you like summer, you just wish it was without insects?

  ‘’Yes, probably’’, said Hartley. ‘’But I’m glad that it is Fall and I like Indian summers’’.

  ‘’Can I ask you out Hartley?

  ‘’You want a date with me?

  ‘’Yes’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’When would this date occur?

  ‘’Wednesday’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Wednesday and I’ll come’’, said Hartley.

  The two then made their way to their homes.

  Chapter 3

  Hartley met Laughlin on Asher Road, Hartley had expressed to her mom once that she would like to just explore the roads and take two days to just go to places. Now she and Laughlin were going to do some exploring. As they drove they discussed which roads to check out.

  They explored Cumberland Road, East Road, and they went to a hidden town called Mill Valley. Hartley had been through Mill Valley once
with her mom and sister and she had loved it then. It was almost like her town and she wouldn’t mind visiting or even living in Mill Valley. She had never known a city or lived in one and she felt that even when she moved out and became an adult she would still like to live in a suburban location.

  She and Laughlin did stop and they began walking up the street, past the businesses towards the patch of field and flowers that had passed by. The field had white flowers and an old plow had been left in it. It was a sunny day and the Indian summer was really awesome.

  ‘’Mill Valley is like my town’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’This is a nice place’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Are you from the city or some suburban place? Asked Hartley.

  ‘’Suburban, don’t worry this isn’t a city boy and country girl story’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Hey, it’s not weird since you’re a guy if I-‘’ ask you how old you are? Asked Hartley.

  ‘’Well Hartley I’m eighteen’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’I’m sixteen, just some information for you’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’My birth month is July’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Mine is August’’, I have to wait for several months at the beginning of each year before it’s my birthday’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’August, that means your birthstone is peridot, the light green gemstone’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Your birthstone is ruby’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Any other places you want to see today? Asked Laughlin.

  ‘’In Farmingtown, as you’re driving on the road there are these rock cliffs on the left side and if you look up on one of the cliffs is a white gazebo that somebody built up there. I want to go up there’’, said Hartley. ‘’But Laughlin is this what you want to do with our date? Asked Hartley.

  ‘’Hartley this is exciting and super enjoyable’’, said Laughlin.

  They left Mill Valley and exchanged it for Farmingtown. They drove past the gazebo on the cliffs and then found the road that was nearest to it. Then they got out of the car and began climbing and walking up the cliff. Below them was the road and cars driving on it but they did get to where the gazebo was.

  ‘’Whoever built this up here must have known that somebody like you and me would be thrilled to come up here’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Building a gazebo on a cliff sure is an interesting choice but it is remarkable’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’My mom and I would pass it when we were going somewhere and we’d take this shortcut through Farmingtown. I saw it and was intrigued by it’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’It is very unique’’, said Laughlin.

  The two then left and went back to Worchester. They went to the overlooking plain; it was a location where there was a parking lot, with guard rails and then if you left the parking lot and went down below into a valley there was marshes, lots of land and trees.

  What are we doing? Asked Hartley.

  ’Exploring and discovering the plains, marshes’’, said Laughlin.

  I’ve always been curious about it and I wanted to go down there’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Today, you can’’ said Laughlin.

  Laughlin and Hartley made their way down, through the grass. The first thing they came across was the few trees that were here and there, some marshland and eventually a row of trees which was kinda the end. They enjoyed it, Hartley really enjoyed it. They even made their way to a small hill, that wasn’t too far from the parking lot.

  ‘’This is awesome!! Said Hartley.

  ‘’I like it too, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Now I know what’s down there and it was exhilarating’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Beats a boring dinner uh? Asked Laughlin.

  ‘’No, I like going out to eat sometimes but this was really nice’’, was Hartley’s response.

  When their date did end Hartley and Laughlin were in the general store parking lot, it was almost dark and the store had closed.

  ‘’Laughlin I appreciate you exploring with me’’, what a hectic date’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’I like exploring places Hartley’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’What’s it going to be like on our next date I wonder’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Awesome, great, marvelous, fun, great’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’A lot of vocabulary words Laughlin, you must love English’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’I like psychology, I wanted to understand my mind when I was younger so I took an online psychology course’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’I’ve tried psychology, it is very incredible’’, said Hartley. ‘’Well I’m going to go home and say a nice goodbye to you’’.

  ‘’Goodbye Hartley, it was a thrilling day’’, said Laughlin.

  Hartley took Laughlin’s hand in hers; he suddenly put a kiss on her lips.

  ‘’Thanks’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’For me kissing? Asked Laughlin.

  ‘’That was my first kiss’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Really? Let me give you one more’’, said Laughlin. Laughlin kissed her again and then Hartley left and so did he.

  Chapter 4

  Hartley went home, just in time to go to Walmart with her mom and sister, Dancer.

  ‘’How was your day Hartley? Asked her mom.

  ‘’It was good, said Hartley.

  ‘’I’m going to buy some more clothes while I’m here’’, said Dancer. ‘’I’m going back to Smith College and I need new clothes’’.

  ‘’Do you want to buy anything Hartley? Asked her mom.

  ‘’Maybe some Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia’’, said Hartley. She loved the non – dairy Ben and Jerry’s ice creams.

  ‘’Hartley sweetie let’s look at some dresses, I know it’s been difficult to find nice dresses for you’’, said her Mom.

  ‘’The mall is no longer open so we have to order stuff online or go to Sandspur County’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’You need clothes that reflect your age, you’re going to be seventeen next year and I know you want higher heels’’, said her mom.

  ‘’I like heels, they make me look tall’’, said Hartley. ‘’Hey mom do you agree with Dancer about me waiting until I’m twenty one to date?

  ‘’Hartley when you’re ready to date, you’re ready to date’’, said her mom. ‘’Dancer is trying to be in your life more’’.

  ‘’Yes, but does she have to be in every aspect of my life? Asked Hartley.

  Once they were finished at Wal-Mart they went home. Hartley ate her Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and watched a movie. She also couldn’t wait until she and Laughlin had another date or just were with each other again.

  Hartley saw Laughlin the following Sunday, he had just brought something form the general store. Hartley crossed the street and walked over to him.

  ‘’Hello’’, she said.

  ‘’Hey Hartley’’, he said.

  Hartley kissed him on the cheek, and then Laughlin kissed her on the lips.

  ‘’I really appreciated our date’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’That’s good, I’m going for a walk on the bike trail, do you want to come with me’’. Hartley agreed and the pair went to the bike trail. There wasn’t really anybody there and the sun was going to set in an hour. They got out of the car and started walking.

  ‘’I’ve been here so many times but it’s become a little bit of a rarity to walk it’’, said Hartley.

  ‘’Well we are here and it’s by this beautiful lake, have you gone swimming in it? Asked Laughlin.

  ‘’No, the water looks dirty and maybe not a smart idea, said Hartley.

  ‘’I see houses on the other side of the lake, said Laughlin.

  ‘’My mom has taken me and my younger brother on a road back there’’, said Hartley. It definitely looks different from the perspective over there the here’’.

  ‘’We should explore these back roads sometime, said Laughlin.’’ Maybe we can
just plan to spend two days exploring these roads’’.

  ‘’That would be very adventurous’’, said Hartley. They stopped by a little open spot that was exposed to the water and a few rocks. A row of ducks swam past and Hartley said to Laughlin’’ One Saturday my dad and I brought old bread and threw it out into the water and fed them.

  ‘’Wow, you’re a duck feeder, the girl I’m dating is certainly unique’’.

  ‘’Really? I fed ducks once and now I’m unique?

  ‘’No, but I can tell you are definitely more right brained then left brained said Laughlin.

  ‘’Yes, I do enjoy more creativity then analytical stuff, and numbers and solving things’’.

  ‘’Has that set you back in school Hartley?

  ‘’I think that ever since I was little I’ve always loved doing things that were creative and unique’’. I can solve problems and in certain subjects in school I am a little behind’’.

  ‘’You will be successful Hartley, I’m one hundred percent positive’’, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Want to sit on the bench? Asked Hartley.

  ‘’Yeah, okay, said Laughlin.

  ‘’Do you enjoy school? Asked Hartley.

  ‘’I guess some parts of it I enjoy and some parts I don’t.

  ‘’Do you have many siblings? Asked Hartley.

  ‘’I have an older brother and little sister’’, said Laughlin.

  Hartley smiled and then leaned her head on Laughlin’s shoulder.

  ‘’Hartley I really like you’’, said Laughlin

  ‘’Thanks for telling me, giggled Hartley.

  ‘’I like you, you know said Hartley.

  ‘’This lake we can’t swim in but how about Suspense Lake down the road?

  ‘’It’s not summertime, it’s not eight or seventy degrees’’, said Hartley.

  ‘It’s an Indian summer, let’s go to the lake, it’s a good picture sight’’, said Laughlin.

  They went to Suspense Lake, Hartley and her family had often been there and had taken pictures of the lake as well. There was a little beach area by the lake and then there was a piece of land and then below it was water. Laughlin and Hartley went into the water and were in the shallows. Hartley fell into Laughlin’s chest and then kissed him. They were at the lake for an hour and then they went left. Hartley got home and she peaked in her mom’s room.